Fingerholers CityFingerholerFingerholer

What is Fingerholers?

Fingerholers is a multi-platform bankroll management game. Players use their fingers to gain fame and fortune. Fingerholing is about using your intelligence to compete against opponents in a game filled with holes.

Fingerholers World

One dominate pastime occupies the hearts and minds of the people of Fingerholers World: Fingerholing. Cities are filled with Fingerholing Clubs where anyone can make a name for themselves. In a place where dreams can come true, with a lot of hard work, training and a little luck fame and fortune is not far away. It's not easy to become a professional, but in this world, anyone is capable of making that a reality.

Game Features

In this game, you manage your team of Fingerholers as they raise through the ranks. Recruit new players, grow your wealth, unlock new locations and compete against the worlds best Fingerholers. Learn more by checking out the Playdate Version slideshow below.


Right now, Fingerholers is in development. You can play a concept version of the game below. The plan is to release a beta version very soon. There's a lot to do. Follow @Fingerholers on Twitter for updates.
For more info contact
Drew Anderson
@MoHDI on Twitter